Eco-Policy & Conservation
Here at Tokomaru Lifestyle, we love our animals and our stunningly beautiful natural environment. We’re serious about protecting these resources for future generations to come.
We hold a genuine passion for environmental conservation and are proud of our record for providing our livestock with the best care and healthy lives.
We also believe that hunting is a vital part of NZ culture, passed down through generations, and that it should and will form a continuing part of our ongoing heritage.
As such, we maintain a fierce commitment to our eco-policy and code of ethics as outlined in this document and made available to all visitors, with a view to ensuring sustainable protection and conservation.
Changing perceptions in the last decade have meant wild Deer are now classed by DOC as a pest, causing damage to the natural environment and indigenous biota when herds are left to roam and grow untamed. Similarly, wild Boar can become a destructive presence in native forests or farming pastures when left to become too populous.
By providing a private, fenced home for countless Deer, we remove many of these animals from areas where they might be exposed to harmful pest control substances and repellents, such as 1080, in the wild and provide them with food, medical care, shelter and a much increased life expectancy (our Red Stags are not available to hunt until they reach the age of at least 6).
All our animals, whether bred for game (such as our Red Deer) or for companionship (such as our beautiful Highland Cattle) are superbly well cared for and receive the very best in love, care and attention from our dedicated staff.
We expect all our visitors to adhere to a strict code of ethics both when participating in hunts and at any other time spent here at Tokomaru Lifestyle, as outlined below:
- Guests must conduct their hunt to the highest standard of ethical behaviour, whilst maintaining the utmost respect for the welfare of the animals they are hunting.
- A firearm may NOT be carried on our property without prior approval of our hunting guides or staff. Where approved to carry a firearm, the carrier shall abide by the strict rules laid down in our firearm policy, which is available to any visitor or guest via our staff, as well as the current laws that govern the carrying of firearms.
- Visitors must strive to avoid unnecessary damage to the natural environment, destruction of property or any actions that will cause unnecessary fear and distress to our animals, outside of the confines of the hunt.
- Visitors must respect fellow visitors and apply common sense in ensuring their actions not cause any upset to other guests or staff members. All parties shall be treated with civility, respect and courtesy at all times.
- Hunters must adhere to all instructions and requests issued by our Hunting Guides whilst hunting.
- Quick and clean kills should always be the aim of any hunt. Unnecessary prolonging of an animal’s suffering will not be tolerated.
- All guests to behave and act in accordance with good conservation practices at all times.
We take our social responsibilities seriously at Tokomaru Lifestyle, and have a commitment to best practices and adherence with environmental regulatory policy.
Internally, we have built business systems and a framework to ensure we meet our specific conservation goals, as outlined below:
- Work to improve environmental awareness and best practice.
- Work to minimise the effects of our operations on our environment.
- Ensure our staff are adequately trained and equipped to adhere to best-practice sustainability and conservation policies.
- Develop a long term environmental policy for our 3,000 acre lands, including 80 acres of Canadian Redwood.
- Comply with any and all legal environmental obligations.
- Monitor our conservation efforts internally, to ensure compliance and to improve performance.